Every now and then, good luck happens. My nephew, a branch manager with one of the banks in Brunei called me up and said that one customer deposited $185 worth of the above notes. He did not the value, all he said was, paper notes with white borders. That perked me up. White borders means either the 1st series or 2nd series Brunei notes.
Apparently the customer's father had been keeping this money under his bed or pillows or something like that. He was worried that the money might be lost and he had decided to deposit it into his dad's account. What a dutiful son.
The amazing thing was that almost all of the notes were in AUNC condition (Almost Uncirculated which means looking very unused to people not in the numismatic jargon). Anyway, I rushed over and exchanged brand new notes for these old notes. I could not believe my luck in my collection this last two months. Last month, I got about $3,000 worth of 1990s paper notes. This month, not as much, but equally or more valuable, the 2nd series.
How much is this worth if it was in the market? For a pure UNC, it might be worth ten times its face value. For each $5 notes first issued in 1981, if I am not mistaken, you probably, if you find a buyer, sell it for $50. Though this one is not as valuable. Issued in 1989, probably worth around 4 times its face value. Still it is a good 2nd series collection and I am glad for my good luck this Hari Raya.
Money is one of the most seminal angles of your life - don't stop making money
Sure the 1st series is by far an option
Money is A term for $500. Used occasionally.
You best weigh the 1st series your choice of before concluding
Money is urgent... Keep making money
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