I collect stamps, first day covers and normally get them from overseas, so I received a fair number of letters as well. Once in a while I wondered whether all my letters are on time as I know I have quite a few which have not arrived yet.
This one took a few months to arrive and when it did. Look. It went on a tour round the world from Belgium to Bermuda and then to Malaysia.
I once received a letter in UK that came from Hong Kong via Australia. The address written on the envelope was United Queendom, insteads of United Kingdom, and they must have mistaken that as Queensland Australia
I was once the Deputy Postmaster General for Brunei - the Postmaster General was on a month long leave and the Deputy Postmaster General was Acting Postmaster General. I was roped in to fill in his job. What I discovered was that for Brunei, the easiest way not to lose the mail was to write 'via Singapore' as Brunei's international mails are routed through Singapore. Because of international pride, most Bruneians never do. When I was studying in America, I did write via Singapore so that my letters reach Brunei straight rather than meandering through Tanzania (capital city Dares salam) or Burundi etc which the American Postal Service managed to do when I did not put 'via Singapore'.
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