This $60 miniature sheet is produced for His Majesty's 60th birthday. I am not sure how many are produced but not many people would want to buy it. The Postal Services actually sell this with a golden coloured wooden frame and they are not selling it at $60. The selling price is $260 and for that price only an enthusiast would want to buy it. Anyway, I am sharing this one with all of you out there.
This is a very unusual M/S item. I wonder if a used one woulb be more valuable to one in mint condition?
Probably. The authorities sell it framed and I guess not expecting it to be used. I can't imagine much item posted at that rate.
then having one posted and received would probably appreciate its value a few folds?
Not for all stamps. If check the catalog, you would notice that the rule of thumb is that the older the stamps or the more unusual it is, the more value it has 'used' rather than mint or unused. It also depends on other factors. This one might... I have never seen one being used...
No doubt - and the shorter the period of its intended usage period the higher the value it is in the "used" condition. Love your blog, mate.
I got one each of $60 sheet & the $40 sheet without the serial number overprint.
Is there & why is there 2 version with & without an serial overprint ?
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